In any area of the society join efforts to achieve certain common goals is a way to achieve greater impact on the operations to be performed. Already several years ago from Jardín Tecina Hotel we have actively committed to ethical and responsible management, ensuring the protection of the environment and our corporate social responsibility. In this sense we have taken an important step: we have adhered to the Global Compact of the United Nations.

What is the Global Compact of the United Nations?
The Global Compact is the initiative of corporate sustainability world's largest
A call to companies align their strategies and operations with universal principles of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption, and take actions that advance social goals.
It operates in Spain through the Spanish network with 2,600 member firms, so far.

What are your goals?
Member entities must comply with 10 universal principles of conduct and action in both its strategy and daily operations, in matters of human rights and business, labor standards, environment and anti-corruption.

What are the 10 principles?
The 10 principles derived from United Nations declarations on human rights, labor, environment and corruption enjoy universal consensus.
Human rights
Businesses, given its direct influence on society, have a responsibility that human rights are respected in the workplace and in their sphere of influence. They should not be involved in any case of human rights abuse by other companies that are part of their supply chain, governments, etc.
Labor standards
They should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining. Support the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor. The work must be freely given and employees are free to leave according to the established rules. They must support the eradication of child labor that hinder the child's development or to jeopardize their health or moral integrity. Companies must also combat inequality of opportunity because of race, color, nationality, political opinions, religion, physical or mental disability ...
Businesses should support a precautionary approach that favors the Mede environment. The idea is to prevent rather than cure. They should undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility. Responsible and ethical management of products and its manufacturing process from the point of view of health, safety and the environment. They should encourage the development and diffusion of technologies that respect the environment. Cleaner technology will use existing resources more efficiently generating less waste.
Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion, bribery, even the most institutionalized, little influence peddling ... for a more transparent global economy.
We have already joined this important initiative, also you can bring your little grain of sand to help build, together, a better future.

To learn more about what the UN Global Compact and what it means, you can visit the following link: