In the heart of La Gomera, shrouded in dense mist and covered by lush vegetation, lies Garajonay National Park, a natural treasure of the Canary Islands. This park, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986, is a haven of unique biodiversity and a place full of history and mystery that has fascinated locals and visitors for generations.

The Origins of Garajonay National Park

Garajonay National Park spans more than 3,900 hectares in the centre of La Gomera, a landscape that seems straight out of a fairy tale. Its name comes from the legend of Gara and Jonay, two young lovers whose tragic story has been passed down from generation to generation. Gara, a Gomeran princess, and Jonay, a young man from Tenerife, fell deeply in love. However, the rivalry between their families made their union impossible, leading them to flee to the highest mountain on the island. Desperate, they decided to seal their fate in an act of eternal love, and that mountain now bears their united names: Garajonay. This moving story not only gave the park its name but also captures the spirit of Garajonay, where nature and humanity seem intrinsically connected.

A Primeval Forest: The Laurisilva

Garajonay hosts the best representation of laurisilva, a type of subtropical forest that once covered large areas of southern Europe and northern Africa during the Tertiary Era. This type of vegetation, now a relic of the past, survives on a few islands in Macaronesia, with Garajonay being one of its most important refuges. Climatic changes had less impact on this region thanks to the action of the trade winds, allowing the vegetation to be better preserved. Walking along Garajonay's trails is like stepping back in time. The dense vegetation, composed of laurels, giant ferns, and mosses hanging from the trees, creates a magical and mystical atmosphere. It’s easy to imagine Gara and Jonay hiding among these shadows as the silence of the forest, interrupted only by birdsong and the whisper of the wind, envelops you in an indescribable peace.

Unique Biodiversity: A Refuge for Life

Garajonay is a refuge for many species unique to the world. Among the park's most emblematic plants is the codeso, an endemic Canarian shrub that blooms in spring with vibrant yellow flowers. Although in September its flowers have given way to seed pods, the codeso remains a constant presence in the landscape, contributing to the park's biodiversity. The park is also home to numerous species of birds, insects, and endemic plants that find their ideal habitat in these forests. A curious anecdote is that of Bulwer's petrel, a seabird thought to be extinct on the island. A few years ago, a group of researchers discovered a colony of these birds deep in the forest, proving that nature always holds surprises for those who venture to explore its secrets.

Park Stories: Between Science and Mystery

Garajonay is a place where science and legends coexist harmoniously. The ancient Gomerans believed that the park was inhabited by spirits and magical beings, and some people claim to have seen mysterious lights floating among the trees on moonless nights. One story that circulates among the rangers is that of the "whispering tree". According to legend, if you stop next to an old laurel in solitude, you can hear whispers telling secrets of the past. Although many have tried to record these sounds, no one has managed to capture them, only fuelling the fascination with the mysticism of Garajonay.

A Paradise for Nature Lovers

Garajonay National Park is not only a place to learn about natural history but also a paradise for hikers and nature lovers. With a well-marked network of trails, it offers the opportunity to explore its beauty at your own pace, from gentle walks to more challenging routes that allow you to enjoy stunning views of the island. Visiting Garajonay is an experience that connects you with the elemental forces of earth, air, and water, which have shaped this extraordinary landscape for millions of years. Let the fresh breeze envelop you, bringing with it the echoes of ancient legends, as you explore the rich biodiversity that makes this place so unique. Immerse yourself in the serenity of one of the oldest forests on the planet, where the mist transforms the park into a dreamlike setting. Plan your visit and immerse yourself in the history and nature of La Gomera.